Tuesday 20 March 2012

Wine at the Party

Here's the situation – you have a dinner party with some fancy guests coming and you need to step up your game. You've got a few bottles of wine tucked away in your pantry. Usually you would bring out one, then when it runs out, probably go grab the next one until they are all gone.  Al thought that might work a little bit of mystery into your party, it really isn't driving discussion or drinking. What if, instead, you made the wine the centerpiece? One bottle is open and being poured while the next is displayed in a fancy Wine Bottle Holder on the table. Because it is displayed in this eye-catching way, your guests will spend a little more time looking to see what is next in the lineup.

They can discuss its merits, guess if they will like it better than the one they are drinking, and maybe even be so excited that they down their glass in a hurry to see what it is like. You just don't get that kind of dynamic if the wine is hanging out with the canned spinach. But the element of surprise and mystery that you've lost?  Don't lose it, or let your Wine Bottle Holder go to waste. When the next bottle is opened up, go grab the one from the pantry and put it in the wine bottle holder. Rinse and repeat.

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